About Our Team
Our team specializes in diplomatic water initiatives, uniting expertise in diplomacy, policy, and environmental science. We focus on fostering cooperation, addressing transboundary water challenges, and promoting equitable resource management. With a commitment to sustainability and collaboration, we work to ensure water remains a source of unity and global progress.
WDC DirectorProf. Mutawakil Obeidatobeidat@just.edu.jo+962 2 7201000 Ext. 22372
Project Leader
Prof. Mohammad Azzam
azzam@just.edu.jo+962 2 7201000 Ext. 22372
Head of Projects Section
Ms. Fowzia Ammoura
fmamoura@just.edu.jo+962 2 7201000 Ext. 22372
Educational Lead
Prof. Wasim Barham obeidat@just.edu.jo+962 2 7201000 Ext. 22372
Head of Training Section
Mrs. Hana Omari obeidat@just.edu.jo+962 2 7201000 Ext. 22372
Research Lead
Prof. Ammar Albalasmeh
obeidat@just.edu.jo+962 2 7201000 Ext. 22372
Head of Diwans
Mr. Firas Omari
firasomari@just.edu.jo+962 2 7201000 Ext. 22436
Communication OfficerMS Haneen Abualhayjaahaneen@just.edu.jo+962 2 7201000 Ext. 22372
Financial Officer
Mr. Ibrahim Al Shuqran
obeidat@just.edu.jo+962 2 7201000 Ext. 22372
Research Assistant
Eng. Iman Hamada
eman@just.edu.jo+962 2 7201000 Ext. 22372
Website Officer
Eng. Wafa Musallam
wafa@just.edu.jo+962 2 7201000 Ext. 22372